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Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm takin' the wheel!(Oh, yeah, this is gonna end well.)

Just in case you missed me trumpeting the news on Twitter or Facebook, the great Orson Swindle is enjoying a highly jealousy-inducing vacation down on the Gulf Coast this week, and in a colossal error of judgment has put me in charge of Every Day Should Be Saturday while he's gone. So I'll be Alexander Haiging it up over there in his absence, bringing you all the college-football news that's fit to belittle and, where warranted, throwing in some of the miscellaneous stupidity you've come to expect from Hey Jenny Slater. As white-hot as the temptation is to do such a thing, I won't be overhauling EDSBS to a red-and-black color scheme with a header graphic of Vince Dooley being carried aloft by the boys back on New Year's Day 1981 -- I gotta at least try to be a courteous guest, after all -- but I think I can probably get away with a dick joke or a supermodel-in-underwear picture every now and then.

On that note, if you have a particular dick joke or undie shot you think merits inclusion -- or, perhaps more usefully, an actual CFB tip or link -- fire it off to the e-mail address at the top of the right-hand column on this blog. Can't promise I'll use it, but if I do, I'll at least do you the courtesy of valiantly guarding your anonymity by failing to give you credit. Wish me luck, folks.

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