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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Personal Life Philosophy

My Personal Life Philosophy
I strive to be a beautiful person who embodies authenticity, serenity, honesty, truth and peace. I strive to possess an even-tempo, a loving spirit, a oneness with nature and true inner-connection with my own spirit. I strive to transcend the negativity of human behavior and walk through each day of life with a true connection with the universe and with nature and the energy that both possess. I strive to embody a free spirit and to go with the flow and ride the waves of life. I strive to worry less about what people think about me and believe in myself as a unique spirit on this earth. I strive to no longer project other peoples’ problems and attitudes onto myself and just be centered and calm in my own body and spirit at all times. Every day I strive to be a better person, the purest form of myself and my spirit, and to separate myself from the ego-driven self that lives in my head. I want to live according to and in sync with my true spirit. I strive to live a more conscious existence in each moment and feel each moment of each day and experience. I strive to be a spectator of life and of my thoughts; no longer living within my thoughts, rather living within my true spirit.

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