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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Were in ur st8 witnssng ur n@turl beaut33.

I don't know how the residents of the 48th state feel about this, but the Dawgs have kind of taken over out here, y'all. There were Bulldog fans at the airport, Bulldog fans roaming Mill Avenue on Thursday night, Bulldog fans at Montezuma Castle National Monument about an hour north of here, Bulldog fans all over Sedona yesterday afternoon. It almost makes a tear well up in my eye to think I can go 2,000 miles away from home and still have someone yell "GO DAWGS!" at me while I'm walking down the street.

Anyway, I know I might've been kind of harsh with my greater-Phoenix-as-Orlando-with-cacti assessment yesterday, so let me just say that Sedona and/or vicinity were pretty amazing -- 90 minutes' worth of "Look at that! No, look at THAT!" from our little two-car convoy on I-17. The funny thing is, there are "scenic view" pulloffs every few miles on the highway, as if the scenic view wasn't 360 degrees all around you -- like the highway department was saying, "Oh, THAT towering 2,000-foot-tall rock formation, that one SUCKS, but this one's AWESOME."

Here's me at one such pulloff, looking like a tool.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the sign for Dry Beaver Creek as I-17 passed over it a few miles southeast of Sedona. Yes, I'm still immature enough to find that hilarious.

Everyone out here's been really nice, though -- occasionally bemused at how many Georgia fans have swarmed out here, but nice nevertheless. The park ranger at Montezuma Castle said that Georgia fans were second only to Italians in terms of the sheer numbers of people he'd seen out here over the past week, and I'm confident we'll have surpassed the eye-talians by the time the weekend's over.

Anyway, "Gameday" is coming on as I right this, and it'll be time to gear up before too long -- I think the red pants are fixin' to get busted out today, y'all.

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